Parkview Youth
Fridays from 7 – 9

What is Parkview Youth?

Parkview Youth is for grades 7-12 and takes place in the basement of Parkview Alliance Church at 7:00 pm on Fridays during the school year. When we meet, we play games, give time to connect with other teens, grab a snack once in a while and then jump into a lesson from the Bible. It’s always a fantastic night of relationship-building and fun activities for anyone; we welcome anyone and hope you test out our youth group! 

Here is some more info on what we are doing this month:


For the last half of the night, we will jump into our new series, Psalms Made Simple talk about what Psalms means and do something that connects with the Psalms. In this series, we are teaching ways to experience the presence of God that teens can take home and do through their week. With this series going until the end of March, your teen will have a handful of practical ways to grow in their faith. 

Big Events!

April 26, Overnighter, 7:00 pm – 7:30 am
If your teen is not attending Youth Quake, we will host an overnighter to give them our replication of what Youth Quake is like to be excited for when they can attend. We are also inviting Vergreville’s youth who are not going to YQ to make something fun for those who can’t participate in YQ this year. 

If this page does not interest you, then check out The Edge drop-in centre that takes
place on Thursdays and Fridays!

If you are looking for more? contact Pastor Liam at: to get connected or find out more details.