Liam Cowman

Liam and his wife Rhiannon joined the Parkview family in 2021. Liam’s focus in ministry is split in to youth, grade 7-12 and the young adult stage of life. He leads different events for each group, from a youth drop in centre, a regular youth discipleship based group and a...

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Lori Carlson

Lori is our Administrator. Lori and her husband Evan made Vermilion their home in 1995. She enjoys spending time with the grandkids and she and her husband Evan enjoy bicycle trips, kayaking and being outside. Lori is also know for creating beautiful quilts.

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Connie Elder

Connie has a passion for all things music and can be seen most Sundays leading us in worship. She and her husband Chris have enjoyed making Vermilion home. You’re kids may know Connie as their cheerful bus driver.

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